For companies that are just starting out, or even larger corporations that engage in fundraising, making use of a virtual data space (VDR) can assist them to facilitate the exchange of sensitive information which is typically exchanged during this stage. The leadership teams on both sides of the deal are more comfortable knowing that a VDR offers them the ability to collaborate on documents and share files as well as monitor user activity in fine detail.
Be aware of the security features of a VDR before selecting one. Security features like robust virus and malware scanning, multifactor authentication, and advanced encryption ensure that uploaded files are private and secure. Look for a VDR which also comes with custom reports and real-time analytics which can provide the behind-the-scenes information executives in the C-suite need to stay on top of the progress of ongoing projects.
Another crucial aspect to consider is whether a VDR is able to be seamlessly transferred from existing storage services like Google Drive, OneDrive, Box and Dropbox. Importing data is much more efficient and less hassle if you are able to do it with existing storage solutions such as Google Drive, OneDrive Dropbox and Box.
It’s crucial for any business with a presence in the shipping industry to have a reliable VDR solution that is compatible with its fleet of vessels and future plans. For instance, ship owners that manage a fleet of roo-ro passenger vessels must be in a position to communicate updates to their policies, upcoming strategy plans and input from franchisees within an integrated VDR environment. Most of the time this data is required every day and is typically very sensitive, therefore security features that offer privacy, control and transparency are key.