To masturbate or watch the debate? Traffic on Pornhub plummeted Tuesday night as former President Donald Trump faced off against Vice President Kamala Harris during their first — and possibly only —presidential debate. Many amorous Americans traded porn for politics, with the highly-anticipated showdown drawing in a whopping 67 million viewers across 17 networks, including ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox and CNN.Bonsai Casino Streaming on Pornhub was down 14.8% on average across the country during the debate, dipping in each of the 50 states. Some battleground states, however, saw even more dramatic drops. Visits to the X-rated website tumbled 22.6% in Wisconsin and 18.2% in Pennsylvania, which are shaping up to be must-win states for the candidates. Timestamps provided by Pornhub show streaming was at above-average levels before the debate kicked off at 9 p.m. However, viewership dipped as soon as Trump and Harris took to the stage. By 9.36 p.m., as the two candidates traded barbs on immigration, Americans appeared captivated. Traffic was down 23.5% nationwide. However, some pent-up viewers didn’t have the stamina to sit through the entire event, with Pornhub traffic picking up again after the first commercial break at 10:06 p.m. “It seems people had heard enough from the candidates and instead chose to relieve themselves of the tension,” the company cheekily quipped in a statement provided to The Post. Advertisement