Like any self-respecting (albeit then-closeted) queer lady, I was alert to “the true L keyword,” Ilene Chaiken’s 2010-12 spin-off of this reveal that identified a generation of us within one means or any other. During the time the tv show broadcast, I wasn’t interested. It had nothing at all to do with my personal denial of my bisexual identity and every thing related to the fact that I happened to be still pissed at Chaiken for undertaking

my personal girl Jenny Schecter

so extremely, really completely wrong during the season finale regarding the original “The L term.”

Fast ahead 10 years whenever homosexual movie stars aligned personally and that I discovered myself bingeing all three times in one single few days. Numerous elements added to the involuntary decision. One: I happened to be in the house extend of edits for my second queer YA book call at 2021 and I also seriously needed head sweets. Two: Showtime struck upwards my personal inbox with a 30-day free trial, basically for all the year of “massive amounts,” a show i’ve never seen. Three: Well, I Became fascinated.

Back in the day, I became a loyal lover of “The Hills,” MTV’s thoroughly absurd, entirely addicting fact crisis about rather, hetero 20-somethings living in LA. “The Real L Word” held similar sun-drenched, sugary feeling of escapism — best possible way, means,


gayer — plus with puppies and, starting in period two, a tremendously adorable kitty. Certain, there is mess: fake crisis which is demonstrably staged by manufacturers, lots of real shouting in extremely crowded clubs, and well, Romi. Nevertheless, “The Real L keyword” had most nutrients that held me personally enjoying till the very conclusion of Whitney and Sara’s huge gay wedding, right away Googling exactly what everybody’s around nowadays, and after my faves on Insta (

hi, Kacy!

) — and of course dorkily dancing around my apartment to

that catchy theme track

. Some tips about what I unexpectedly adored:

Good Coupling

Jill and Nikki tend to be lovable while they squabble over a chandelier and preparing a marriage which wasn’t legal at the time but had been necessary for them on a personal degree. Kacy and Cori hold on to the idea of a child just who may or may not appear, while never ever wavering within really love and assistance for starters another. Tracy and Stamie work out how to stabilize work, sex, and care of three adorable kids — certainly who had special needs. I completely loved the storylines of these three lovers navigating lesbian existence in a straight world together. (and that I was actually firmly group Jill in Chandelier-Gate. That thing had been risky!)

Pretty Crushing

At the start of season three, I found myselfn’t sure how I felt about Kiyomi, the Hunter Valentine frontwoman whose means of exercising polyamory wasn’t precisely fair to the woman partner, Allie. When Kiyomi met enviably pink-haired and pearly white-teethed Angeleno Lauren at Dinah Shore, but all wagers had been down. When they kissed regarding the garden, it was sweet. When they shyly gazed at each other and giggled during confessional interviews, it had been cuter. So when Lauren could not stay away from Kiyomi’s house of the latest York City for one more minute? Cutest.

Times With Moms

Check, we’re in
and I neglect my personal
. This might describe precisely why it rained on my personal face each time an enjoying mama figure made an appearance. Whether or not it had been Jill screaming gladly when the woman mom made a shock day at assist this lady pick a wedding gown, Kacy’s mom meeting her daughter for meal and consoling her about baby Charlie, or Whitney’s grandma witnessing Whitney’s lawn Connecticut Wedding, I found myself a mess, y’all. Let us not forget Francine developing to the woman ultra-glam mom Yoko, exactly who right away reacted “I adore love really you,” and Sadjah’s mom Sarita praising Sadjah’s Vote for Equality peers for residing their particular fact.

I just think it’s gorgeous obtainable all to stand right up for your liberties and battle for just what you truly, truly trust,” she says.

Actual, Real Time Bisexuality!

Carry out I favor the way Chaiken handles bisexual figures and storylines? Not always. But as a bi me, i will be eager for any as well as representation of my people in the media (Spoiler: still perhaps not alot!). Nowadays, I’ll take the things I will get, and I also think it is heartening observe Romi with boyfriends in show’s third period, plus the causing conversations of just how bi/queer/pansexual women usually believe omitted from the gay society as one. It is rare i came across Romi relatable, but I relished this topic that still isn’t mentioned adequate.

Claire. Adequate said.

Oh, Claire. She left the woman absolutely gorgeous girl Vivian in nyc to “begin a japanese lesbian website” in LA — and shack with ex Francine (imagine how well that finally one went). She blithely turned down an internship with “But I’m a Cheerleader” movie director and queer icon Jamie Babbit. And she’d drunkenly scream in clubs. Claire was actually the undeniable


This coming year two main user was actually as messy as the woman ‘80s rock star-esque golden-haired shag, that is


what you would like actually television. Do not get me incorrect, I was a fan of the quieter minutes in “The Real L Word,” but Claire introduced the absolute dramz, and that I was actually right here for it. (additionally, I was raised maybe not far from her hometown of St. Louis, so hell yeah for fellow weirdo Midwesterners!)

This Is Basically The Manner In Which We Live

Bringing it back again to “The L term” motif track we-all enjoyed: There however aren’t plenty of programs, flicks, etc. about queer ladies


(chatting, chuckling, loving, inhaling, etc.). Even though I was sick and tired of Whitney’s pre-engagement member steps, Sajdah and Chanel acquiring too severe too quickly and hearing the millionth difference of “just what’s up with you and so-and-so,” I relished spending time with queer ladies in numerous stages of the physical lives, only figuring circumstances around. I cannot state We skip the days when unscripted programs dominated the airwaves, but “The Real L term” ended up being really worth watching, not simply when it comes down to club-screaming, chandelier-squabbling and damaged keyboard-pouting (poor Somer), but also for the top lady-loving lesbian fuel.

Bonus: No one dies in a pool.